What a perfect day. It started with some phone calls to confirm meetings, and evolved into an impromptu audience with the Chairman of the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of ICTs, the Director of Broadcasting Infrastructure at the ministry, and a long-anticipated reconnection with Amos, my friend who is doing amazing work with street children in Kampala. To top it off, we watched Ugandan Idol live under the stars in a parking lot, with amps, lights & speakers.
Daniel, who rushed us to get us there at the published start time, was introduced to “African time” – it started about 90 minutes later. But it was a great chance for another impromptu meeting, this time between Amos and a young man who helped Amos get off the street back in the day – they had a very touching reunion, and we were all touched to discover connections between us – Samuel and Daniel both work with the disabled, and Sam and I both love L’Arche and Jean Vanier (where Samuel has worked and I have visited a mass).
I hope that Chris, whom we also met for the first time today, will be able to help Amos upload the photos and videos that he is learning to take (with the camera we brought him) on the blog I’m going to help Amos start. Chris uses his IT skills to help the organization we’re visiting tomorrow with their work, and is eager to learn how to use WordPress. We’ll have time to talk shop on the 8 hour bus ride to Paidha tomorrow.
What a wonderful intersection of stories.